Top 05
Skateboard Brands

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Element Skateboards

Element Skateboards founded by professional skateboarder Johnny Schillereff in 1992, the company’s goal was to expand on Johnny.

I won't Quit
Skating Untill I
Am Physically

tony hawk

Almost Skateboards

One of the skateboarding companies that are at the op is Almost Skateboards, founded by pro skateboarders Daewon Song.

Flip Skateboards

Flip Skateboards is a high level skateboards company that moved from the UK to California to take advantage of the American industry. It was launched in 1991 by Jeremy Fox and by Geoff Rowley professional skateboarder.

Creature Skateboards

Creature Skateboards was launched in 1994 by professional skateboarders Russ Pope, Jason Adams, Barket Barrett and Darren Navarrette.

Plan B Skateboards was renewed in 2005 by professional skateboarders Danny Way and Colin McKay. The top Skateboards brand, recognized by its unique logo, offers customization. but it also produces skateboards already assembled.

I won't Quit
Skating Untill I
Am Physically

tony hawk

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