Caffè Americano is a type of coffee
drink prepared by diluting an espresso
with hot water, giving it a similar
strength to, but different flavor from,
traditionally brewed coffee.
A cappuccino is an espresso-based
coffee drink that originated in Italy, and
is traditionally prepared with steamed
milk foam. ariations of the drink involve
the use of cream instead of milk.
Caffe latte is a coffee drink made with espresso
and steamed milk. The word comes from the
Italian caffè e latte, caffelatte or caffellatte,
which means "coffee & milk".
Espresso is a coffee-brewing method of Italian origin, in which a small amount of nearly
boiling water is forced under 9-10 bars of atmospheric pressure through coffee beans.
A flat white is a coffee drink consisting of
espresso with microfoam. It is comparable to a
latte, but smaller in volume and with less
microfoam, therefore having a high proportion
of coffee to milk.