Super Mario odyssey introduces Cappy as a new ally of Mario. The throwable friend is able to aid the hero by extending his reach and controlling enemies, making Odyssey perhaps the most innovative Mario game.
The only game from the Wii era to appear on this list, Super Mario Galaxy 2 represents its system well. Bringing back predecessors new characters, including Rosalina and Baby Luma, and its astronomic flair.
The sequel to the 3DS's Super Mario 3D Land, 3D World was released for the Wii U and improved the mechanics.
The sequel to the 3DS's Super Mario 3D Land, 3D World was released for the Wii U and improved the mechanics.
Super Mario 3D Land was one of the first 3D Mario platformers on Nintendo's handheld consoles. It does not embrace a open world concept but still offers more freedom.