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Best Beard Styles For 2022

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Short Beard

Sometimes a short beard style is the way to go. Some people might tell you that size matters, but we don’t buy into that. Grow the beard that makes you feel confident.

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Corporate Beard

The corporate beard is close-cropped around two to three inches. For many men, their beard is still patchy and disconnected at this length. so it requires some dense beard.

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Power Beard

Power beards, also known as natural beards, are between four and six inches in length. It’s at this length that your beard’s personality starts to show.

"Beard & Success Have Thing In Common.
Both Grow With Patience."

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- PGz Fifth

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"Beard & Success Have Thing In Common.
Both Grow With Patience."

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- PGz Fifth

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Verdi beard

Verdi, this classic style gives off a distinguished appearance. The Verdi includes a handlebar mustache and a rounded three to four-inch beard. 

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Scruffy Beard

The scruffy beard is a slightly longer variation of the 5 o’clock shadow. It adds a bit of grit to your look. It doesn’t matter if your beard is patchy or if it comes in extremely thick.

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Bandholz beard

Bandholz beard is just a yeard left to grow naturally without any trimming or shaping.
Everyone’s beard grows differently, so you
can try to replicate the Bandholz beard.

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